Monday, August 22, 2016

Yukon Episode Four: Mists of Meandering

Mary and I hitch from Fairbanks to Eagle, float a canoe to Circle, then hitch back to Fairbanks. 
This is episode four. Read the first, second, and third episodes.
August 2013 - Yukon River
Thirty-five miles today. Though we were in no hurry, the allure of paddling kept our vessel steaming along the rivers pulse. The time too had an undercurrent, a thing already in motion on whose back we were riding, and slid away with each pull of the paddle and twist of the wrist. We lay on the float making up songs or remembering those others have made, reading aloud, imagining a history of this landscape being formed by mythical creatures, and wordlessly breathing in our surroundings.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Bellingham or Bust Episode Five: Further into the Future

The fifth episode recounting a summer skin-on-frame kayak build and solo 130 mile kayak journey. 
From the start - read the firstsecond, third, and fourth episodes.

it is a short journey
a brief race
we each one take
upon the planet's spinning face

though viewing each day
as blessing
or curse

the rain as dreary
or poetry
in liquid verse

the sun as wilting
or warming

as devastating end
or new routing
on which to begin:

a boat flipped
may yet be righted
and paddled again.

26 - 30 of June 2014 | Meadowdale State Park -to- Burrows Island

Early rise from my blue tarp tent and scurry through breakfast before slipping boat back into the waterway. Covered about 4 miles in the first hour, then pulled off the side of the watered highway. Sat on a sandbar for an hour watching waves build with the incoming flood tide, churned up by a waxing southwest wind. Spent the next hour portaging 1 to 2 miles up the beach, wandering through the waves and tidepools dragging boat behind like a toy trailer full of dreams.